脸颊填料 俄亥俄州哥伦布市 | Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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脸颊填料 俄亥俄州哥伦布市


Achieve Rounder, Fuller Cheekbones With Facial 填料

凹陷扁平的颧骨会让我们看起来比实际感觉的更疲惫、更老. 这些下垂的特征和泄气的轮廓会对我们的自信产生负面影响. 面颊填充物恢复失去的体积,增强你的自然颧骨,使你年轻, 美丽的外表.


Cheek filler patient after treatment

Restoring Your Natural Contours With Safety In Mind

重要的是,把你的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网和你的脸交给一个受过面部美学训练、了解面部运动的注射师, changes and ages for the best result. 你最好选择一个你有澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的注射器,而不是做一个糟糕的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,需要补救,然后纠正!

我们是一个团队的临床意识的提供者谁把你的健康和安全高于一切, 其中有时包括使用超声技术来确保填料的最佳位置. You will never be sold an unnecessary treatment, we are not afraid to say no if the potential risk outweighs the potential reward.



隆胸包括使用真皮透明质填充剂来增加或恢复面部中部因衰老而失去的体积,以创造更圆润和年轻的外观. When performed by any of our qualified injectors, 面颊填充物是快速的, safe and virtually painless treatment – and the results are immediately visible.

Facial bone structure changes, soft tissues deflate and fall due to gravity, skin sags naturally as we age. Our facial fat pads shift and lose prominence, while the fat pads beneath the chin become more noticeable. 这种颈部和下巴之间的丰满通常被称为双下巴或“下巴”.”

脸颊的脂肪垫和我们的骨骼结构一样重要,对脸型和整体年轻都有贡献. 更厚的, 更多的结构性填充物可以用于深层组织,以弥补骨体积的损失,同时更薄, more plumping fillers can be used to replace fat volume that we had in our youth. The effect is a more youthful and healthy-looking visage.

对于那些希望保持年轻的面部曲线的人来说,填充面颊是一种理想的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 对于那些开始从面部中部看到一些常见的衰老迹象并希望防止进一步松弛的患者来说,这也是一个很好的选择.

因为增加体积会给脸的上部增加另一个光源(就像化妆高光笔一样), cheek filler can certainly work well for the younger population. 这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网没有理想的年龄,因为每个年龄的人通常都能从中脸增加的弧度中受益.

Midcheek Filler Is An Excellent Option For Almost All Patients 

If you are someone who is seeing signs of aging and you wish to minimize them, 面颊填充是一个很好的开始,因为它不仅解决了中脸体积, 还有面部对称, 黑眼圈空旷, 鼻唇沟, 木偶线, sagging in the lower face (also known as “jowels”).

填料的成本取决于我们正在处理的区域和所需产品的数量. A syringe of filler typically costs somewhere between $700 and $900.

In the hands of an experienced injector, cheek augmentation tends to be a straightforward and low-risk procedure. 然而,与任何注射澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网一样,使用真皮填充物也存在风险. The most common risks include bruising and swelling at the injection site, temporary discomfort during the procedure and in the days following. Inflammation and bumpiness are also possible side effects. 更严重的并发症, such as vascular occlusion or involvement, are possible but very uncommon.

至关重要的是,你的持证注射器认识到这些风险,并教育你的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 记住:填充物也可以通过使用透明质酸酶溶液被注射器溶解.

了解更多关于填充物 & 他们的安全

Because cheek filler is mainly use to volumize, 我们通常用更重的, more viscous filler in those areas. Voluma等产品, Radiesse, 和RHA 4是科学开发的透明质酸填充物,为了在需要的地方创造结构,它们更加坚固. The reason we want to use these stronger fillers, as opposed to something like Volbella, is due to the viscosity and the structure of the molecules themselves. These volumizing fillers are manufactured to not be as pliable, so they hold their shape to give the midface definition.

有时, 除了更结构化的填充物外,还可以添加RHA 2或3或Vollure等较软的填充物,以产生一些自然的曲率. 您的注入器可能会推荐不同结构的填料的定制组合,以获得看起来最自然和动态的最终结果.

When you meet with your injector, 首先你要谈谈最困扰你的地方和你不满意的事情. They will discuss your different treatment options, 他们认为什么产品最适合你,以及澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网过程中可能存在的风险. Once you have had your consultation, you will have the option to go ahead and receive your treatment the same day.

The Details Truly Matter To 我们的团队 

之前 receiving cheek fillers, your injector may take before pictures, take measurements or mark your face for treatment. 你的骨骼结构, 面部肌肉组织和面部脂肪分布都被考虑在内,甚至在针头被介绍给你的预约之前. Once this planning step is complete, 你的注射器会准备好填充物,可能会在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域涂上局部麻木霜. 他们会向你解释他们将采取的每一步,以及你在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网过程中的感受, then you will be injected.

No Downtime, Immediate Results

当你的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网结束时, 您将能够立即看到您的结果,并要求您的注射器作出任何必要的改进. 医生会给你一个冰袋,以减少可能出现的肿胀,你还可以选择购买山金车凝胶,以帮助消除任何可能出现的瘀伤. 除此之外, 填充物几乎没有停机时间,你可以在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后恢复日常生活和正常活动.

Cheek filler can last anywhere from one to two years on average, 在这一点上,你的身体会自然地开始分解它,它会随着时间的推移而溶解. 填充物的分解有两个原因:我们体内的天然透明质酸酶对其进行代谢, the dynamic movements of our bodies that degenerate it.

Cheek fillers typically last longer than others due to their manufacturing, due to the nature of our cheeks’ limited movement. 保持良好的皮肤健康和减少面部压力也可以帮助延长你的面颊填充物的寿命.

Schedule Your Consultation With Us

在唐纳森整形外科, we make the promise to every patient that their safety is always our top priority, 我们卓越的声誉是我们致力于建立最佳实践的直接结果. 当你选择填充物作为你的美学澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网时,这个承诺延伸到你! We invite you to get in touch with us today to schedule your initial consultation.

